Creative Volunteers

3 minutes, 51 seconds Read

We have some incredibly talented and creative volunteers!

Our store has an inventory of more than 2 buildings worth of materials almost all of it being donated. This in itself is incredible to be sure.  One of the really exciting parts of being here is to see the creativity of the volunteers that dedicate their valuable time to our organization.

In this post I want to feature some of the incredible talent and creativity that our volunteers have. Not only are we a store that provides cost effective alternatives to renovation projects that you may be working on but we also feature some amazing creations made by some of the volunteers.

As spring is approaching and summer camping and family gatherings are being planned the thought of games comes to mind! Give our Handmade Penny Hockey a try!

We also make another board game called “Crokinole Hockey” This game is also great for the family gatherings or games nights.

The other creation that we have being made by our dedicated volunteers is Bird Houses. We feature some of these painted and some unpainted.  As we receive donations we have plenty of talent around here that is always creating  new things being made with the materials that are here.

We have custom made mirrors, made with weathered boards, we have hand made shelf brackets and we have all sorts of wooden boxes of different sizes and shapes. Some boxes are painted and some ready to be painted.

We have lots of conversations in our Volunteer coffee room at breaks about some of the things that we can make that will sell.  We have an incredibly dedicated group of people that love to use their skills, and talents to help others in any way they can and we are so privileged to be the recipients and the place where their talents can be enjoyed by a large supportive community that enjoys the fact that we are making great use of donations of all sorts.

What we have discovered in our almost 3 years here in this community is that most people would rather see some of the items that they do not need be put to use by someone else rather than have to bring all of it to the dump. We have become the place where so many things that come through here are either sold or re created into something new with the combination if things we have available to create with.

So if you have not been in the store for a while it is well worth the trip.

There is always something here that will peak your interest or be useful in one way or another for the list of ongoing projects that many folks have going!

Some folks drop by for inspiration, some drop by to see what is new, others drop by to enjoy the wisdom of our many volunteers and staff that are so helpful, many folks make our store one of their regular stops as the inventory here is constantly changing based on donations! That is the fun part! We never know what sorts of items will fill our store from one week to the next!  The next time you are near the Beamsville area be sure to drop by!

Oh and before I end this post, we are incredibly blessed to have the pleasure of working with the many volunteers that are here.

There are no words that can truly share the appreciation that is experienced by those that know for all of the precious time and efforts that you share with us here at the store.  Your impact on the community here, and this organization is not something that can be replaced.  Your presence among the team here is so important to all that are here and to the community that we work in. Thank you seems like such a small set of words but in the language that we speak it is the words we need to use so with our deepest appreciation “Thank You” for all that you do.

So with that said we look forward to seeing many folks drop by and see us and our team here and all the fun things that we have for sale.

Manager of  (the NACE Store) – New Again Store

New Again Construction Essentials, 5108 King St. Beamsville On., Phone: 289-566-8463

New Again Store Facebook Page 

Store Hours: Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM, Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM, Sunday Closed

We provide  gently used building supplies, kitchens, décor, appliances and much more for a fraction of the retail price.





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